Google phone App can now automatically filters out the Spam Calls and sends them directly to the voicemail. It detects the wrong calls usually from the caller’s ID, weeds them out without even ringing or notifying and you won’t even received a missed call from it.
Google announced this special feature in a blog post on 13th of July that they have introduced a new way from which you don’t get interrupted by the Spam Calls as it automatically forwarded to the Voicemail, too, you would not get notified about it until you check the voicemail box.
“You’ll still see filtered calls in your call history and be able to check any voicemail you receive,” said Google in the blog post.
Caller ID and Spam protection feature is on by default or you can also turn it on/off on your own. If you want to use it then your phone might need to send information about your calls to Google.
- Open your device’s Phone app.
- Tap More
Caller ID & spam.
- Turn Caller ID & spam on or off.
- Optional: To stop spam calls from ringing on your phone, turn on Filter suspected spam calls. You won’t get missed a call or voicemail notifications, but you’ll still see filtered calls in your call history and be able to check any voicemail you receive.
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More specifically, the phone app determines the Spam call and your screen would turn red indicating that you shouldn’t pick this call. There is a need for such a feature because of privacy concerns, the ongoing issues of fake calls, or if some unknown person calls again & again which gets irritating and disturbing for you and at the same time create problems for the users. That’s why the company think of rolling this feature in all on its Android phones.