Telenor Launched 5GB Daytime 3G Internet Offer

Jazib Ali
By Jazib Ali
3 Min Read
Telenor added a new bundle to its internet packages for its 2G and 3G customers. With this package customers will be able to get 5000 MB internet valid from morning 5AM to evening 5PM.Cost of this packages is very low, only Rs 8/- per day. Seem very economical as total cost per month would be Rs 248/- but is limited to daytime only.

Offer Details:

Following are details of this offer
  • Name: Daytime 3G bundle
  • Quota Limit: 5000 MB
  • Charges: Rs 8/-
  • Validity: 5AM-5PM

Subscription Details

To subscribe this offer, dial *345*139#.
To unsubscribe the offer, Call 345.

Terms and conditions:

Following are the terms and conditions of this offer
  • Offer does not include tax means tax free.
  • Default rate without subscription is Rs 0.10 / 10KB
  • To unsubscribe this offer you will have to call 345.
  • This offer is for both 2G and 3G customers.
  • To check 3G coverage area, dial *7799#.
  • After Rs 50 charged to user, rest of day will be free and unlimited.

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Jazib Khaleel is Founder of PakistaniTech. He is a Google Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, WordPress Developer and SEO Consultant. He has graduated in BS Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes London. You can reach out at
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