The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has introduced a one-window IP and VPN registration operation to make sure that businesses like software houses, foreign missions and freelancers are running smoothly without a hitch.
On the websites of PTA and Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB), businesses can now register using a single platform. To address the ongoing discussion on supporting of freelancers, a delegation of Pakistan Freelancers Association (PAFLA) paid a visit to PTA Headquarters.
Registration of VPN only takes 2 to 3 days and is a simple online cost-free process. The team of PTA also talked about programs to raise awareness among freelancers and businesses on the topic using podcasts, webinars and tutorials. According to a statement of PTA, over 20,000 IPs have been registered for VPN use through one-window operation.
PTA is urging businesses to register their VPNs to safeguard their digital activities and for uninterrupted business. Businesses should visit PTAs website for the registration.