Reportedly, the tech giant is working on a new health and fitness feature for the upcoming Google Pixel watch. According to the Andriod Police, Google’s new App named ‘Google Coach’ is currently under process and its internal name is Project Wooden, Apart from mentioning exercise it will keep users motivated to stay active and healthy.
Then Google will connect your fitness and health data to your Account, As it remained connected to your account it will probably suggest workout routines, exercise charts or alternatives when to take a break. Also, when you get exhausted after the exercise Google coach will track your all-day activities to give you a scheme based on your activities.
This new App installed in Google Pixel watch will too look after your diet and suggests you nutritional foods. It can make a weekly meal plan or shopping list, whatever you want this AI device to plan and then send recommendations directly to your E-mail so from there you can access it. Andriod police also notice that it gives you suggestions based on your location, the nearest one, plus show walking directions instead of going in a cab, gives you nutritional facts about the food of that point where you standing.
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Some reports mentioned that the company has thought to group together the bundles of notification so you won’t have to go through scrolling single notification. These notifications will remind you about water intake and daily step count making it an effective gadget that you want to have your around. Furthermore, if speculations are to be true the company probably going to release it in October along with Google Pixel 3.
Perhaps, Google Coach will operate as a Smartphone App that works similar to wear OS but remains limited in terms of functionality, it is rumored to expand on other services like Google home, Andriod TV and so on.