How to Activate 3G on Android, iPhone and Other Smartphones

Jazib Ali
By Jazib Ali
4 Min Read
3G have already been launched in Pakistan so now it is necessary for a internet user that their mobile is compatible with it. Checking and activating 3G services on your smartphones is very simple process. You will require following things to do it

This is because all smartphones are not supported to 3G. Here i am assuming that you know about 3G services.
If No Read: 3G and 4G in details
ScreenShot of 3G

How to activate 3G?

Go to Setting > Wireless settings > Mobile Internet Setting > Advanced Setting > Network Mode

Here you have to check weather your Android phone or IOS or OS is supportive for 3G services.
Follow steps from 1 to 6 for picture.


Steps to activate 3G

Check for following

  • 3G
  • UMTS
  • HSPA
  • HSPA+
  • WCDMA.
If any of above is in your phone then surely your phone is 3G Compatible.

If not present then your phone doesn’t support 3G.

How to confirm?

When you activate mobile internet you phone will show any of following


  • 3
  • 3G
  • H
  • H+

This show that your phone is using 3G services to give you mobile internet.

If your phone show E or R sign that means it is still using 2G network. Before using 3G service you should make sure that your phones support it. If it is still using 2G then you will charged for it.

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Jazib Khaleel is Founder of PakistaniTech. He is a Google Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, WordPress Developer and SEO Consultant. He has graduated in BS Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes London. You can reach out at
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