Fake Message: Whatsapp Trial is shutting down, Charging more

Jazib Ali
By Jazib Ali
6 Min Read
The most widely used instant message service Whatsapp with about 400 million active users has recently been hit by a hoax by fake message chain claiming that whatsapp will be going to shut down its trial service forever and will start charging 25 dollars rather than 0.99 dollars per year.
Whatsapp at the start of giving its trial services tells its user that i will charge 0.99 dollars per year after trial period ends. During that time it allow its users to user service fully free of cost with any kind of ads.

Fake Message Details:

Recently i was also received message from one of my classmate that states that whatsapp is shutting down its free services and will start charging 25 dollars for its services to its users. The detailed message is 

“Whatsapp is shutting down on 28th january Message from Jim Balsamic (CEO of Whatsapp) we have had an over usage of user names on whatsapp Messenger. We are requesting all users to forward this message to their entire contact list. If you do not forward this message, we will take it as your account is invalid and it will be deleted within the next 48 hours. Please DO NOT ignore this message or whatsapp will no longer recognise your activation. If you wish to re-activate your account after it has been deleted, a charge of 25.00 will be added to your monthly bill. We are also aware of the issue involving the pictures updates not showing. We are working diligently at fixing this problem and it will be up and running as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation from the Whatsapp team”

I there by followed this and after searching lot of sources i got final confirmation from whatsapp blog saying this message is just a FAKE MESSAGE released by someone. These are just rumors and nothing have changed. If you have received this kind of message, just ignore that Message.

Why Use Whatsapp?

Some best feature that you may know about whatsapp are as follows:
  • Simple Interface
  • High Speed Message Delivery System (via Wifi or Mobile Data)
  • Group chats
  • Send Files
  • Share Locations 
  • Audio Message
  • Status System
  • Online Detection System
  • Auto Sync Feature
  • Quick Reply System
  • Broadcast message
  • NO ADS in Trial Period

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Jazib Khaleel is Founder of PakistaniTech. He is a Google Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, WordPress Developer and SEO Consultant. He has graduated in BS Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes London. You can reach out at jazib@pakistanitech.com
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